Plusfloor | Wood Book 2020
Plusfloor are a customer driver brand, who are constantly striving for perfection, on projects large and small. Over the years they have carefully created colours that truly represent and look like a real wood floor, finished with a ‘truegrain’ lacquer. Working hard with designers, architects and end-users to design the perfect and latest colours. The lacquer system follows the image on the board, so you can actually feel the knots and grain.
With a heritage of quality, customer-driven and “perfection in everything they do” D Cube were the ideal partners for creating Plusfloor’s latest hyper-realistic CGI’s of the new vinyl range.
Not only were Plusfloor looking for exceptional quality, but they also needed it within 3 days. Normally this would be impossible but, with the introduction of the 3D pre-created image library D Cube are able to turn around hyper-realistic 5K images in 48 hours.
We are proud to say the project was completed on-time, to an exceptional quality and we have a very happy client.
Industry: Flooring
Location: Lancaster
3D Services: Hyper-realistic CGI, Interior Visualisation, Pre-Created Scene Images
"Thank you very much for the CGI works carried out for us, we are very happy with them and will definitely use D Cube again in the future. "
Rebecca Patterson | Purchasing Director

Measurement of Success
Hyper-realistic flooring image which could be used to showcase the quality & finish of the Plus Floor vinyl products.
The Challenge
The client gave us the order on Friday and needed the images back by Tuesday. Three working days would normally be impossible, but, thanks to the D Cube 3D scene library, we were able to get the images back within the timeline stipulated.
The Approach
For D Cube 3 days isn’t an unusual request and so, as ever, we set to work on the project with a calm and professional approach. The first step is to get the full brief from the client including helping them to choose roomsets from our scene library.
Once the scenes are chosen and the brief is written up our team set-to work and we had drafts back to the client for their comments by Friday afternoon. The comments were finalised on Monday and by Tuesday our client was in possession of their 5K hyper-realistic renders.
The Solution
The solution for D Cube was to ensure that the flooring materials looked as realistic as possible, with the grains and notches in the wood fitting perfectly with the type of material. The client’s knowledge of flooring material paired with D Cube’s knowledge of interior design meant that the flooring was portrayed to a high quality and matched the other items in the room to be as realistic as possible.